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The story of the entry of Traco into the Czech and Slovak market has truly been a story of being in the right place at the right time. This was a moment when Traco came along with a product line-up capable of filling the gap in the market by the DC/DC converters and AC/DC power supplies perfectly fitting requirements of customers primarily by their quality, reliability and affordable pricing.
This event also proved a great opportunity for Amtek just gaining experience in the business environment of the early Nineties of the last century to commence promoting the excellent products, which soon have become very popular and sought after by the Czech, Slovak and later also by the Polish customers.
As the years went by the early inconspicuous business projects gradually grew to the size of the real success stories like electricity grid communication unit, professional gastronomy equipment or railway radio systems to name a few. This obviously would not have been possible without the amazing support at all levels we’ve been receiving from Traco Power through all those years.
Author: Mr. Radomír Štulpa / Amtek