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La gama de convertidores reductores POL (punto de carga) no aislados ofrece productos con una corriente de salida de hasta 30 amperios. Estos reguladores de conmutación trabajan con una eficiencia muy alta y no requieren una construcción para la disipación de calor. Con el patrón estándar DOSA o el pinout TO-220 establecen una alternativa real a los reguladores lineales estándar.
0.5 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
0.5 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, SMD package
0.6 Amp POL converter, industrial, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
1 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, neg.-neg. circuit, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
1 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
1 Amp POL converter, industrial, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, cost efficient, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
1 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, SMD package
1 Amp POL converter, industrial, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
1 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-neg. circuit, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
1 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-neg. circuit, SMD package
1.5 Amp POL converter, industrial, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, cost efficient, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
2 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, LM78 compatible, SIP-3
Traco Power considers this product to be the most optimal choice in this product category.
2 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, cost efficient design, TO-220 compatible, SIP-3
3 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, open frame, LM78 compatible, SIP-5
Traco Power considers this product to be the most optimal choice in this product category.
3 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, pos.-pos. circuit, cost efficient design, TO-220 compatible, SIP-3
6 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, non-isolated, pos.-pos. circuit, open frame, PCB mount
6 Amp POL switching regulator, wide input range, non-isolated, pos.-pos. circuit, open frame, SMD package