Qualità e affidabilità


Quando parliamo di affidabilità e qualità non ci riferiamo solamente al prodotto finito, bensì a molto di più. Garantiamo anche la massima integrità nell’ambito della fornituradei componenti, della gestione dei nostri magazzini e della consegna dei nostri prodotti.  Potete fidarvi di noi.

Traco Power gode di un’ottima reputazione per quanto riguarda il rispetto delle disposizioni e direttive vigenti a livello mondiale, assicurando così una facile implementazione dei nostri prodotti nelle applicazioni dei nostri clienti. 

Al fine di conseguire prestazioni durature e affidabili, nel corso della produzione sottoponiamo i nostri prodotti a una serie di duri test, analisi e prove di funzionamento all’interno dei nostri laboratori: 

  • Analisi delle modalità e degli effetti dei guasti (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, FMEA)
  • Prova dettagliata di resistenza alla temperatura (Detailed Temperature Test, DTT)
  • Prova di resistenza alle vibrazioni meccaniche (Mechanical Vibration Test, MVT)
  • Test di invecchiamento accelerato (Highly Accelerated Life Tests, HALT)
  • Calcolo del tempo medio tra i guasti (Mean Time Between Failure, MTBF

Essendo fondamentali dal punto di vista della sicurezza, i nostri prodotti sono certificati secondo le norme vigenti in tutto il mondo in base al rispettivo segmento di mercato. Gli stabilimenti di produzione operanti su scala globale di Traco Powers sono certificati a norma ISO 9001/14000. Siamo dedicati ad assicurare ai nostri clienti la migliore qualità, motivo per cui i nostri prodotti includono una garanzia di 3 anni (5 anni per i prodotti medicali).

Traco Power_Quality
Research & Design

Our team of creative design and construction engineers provide fast and powerful solutions for any power supply challenge. Our engineers are specialised in energy converter design within a power range from 5 to 1000 Watts. Our solutions are always based on the newest technology, newest circuit topologies and our up to date research activities. Our design process is very structured, fast and well controlled and the result is a reliable and long lasting power supply. We are able to integrate fringe functions required by the system application within the power supply for best technical performance and the most cost effective overall solution.

In order to provide the most appropriate power supply to our customers, our experienced design and application engineers will visit the customer and view and discuss the application in the appliance, device, equipment or machinery in which the power supply shall be used. These technical discussions will be based on the Functional Requirement Specification of the customer. Traco Power Solutions Ltd will establish a design concept which is based on existing products and circuits. A Performance Specification will be established to reflect the actual behaviour of the power supply, well before the product design has been completed.

Our design and manufacturing process is fast and prototypes can be provided swiftly, the time schedule may vary from 2 to 14 weeks depending on the complexity of the modification of an existing or the construction of a new power supply. Based on a very efficient design and construction process, our engineering charges are extremely competitive and our once off engineering charges are only payable if the power supply performs to the satisfaction of the customer.

Verification & Test

During the development of a new power supply product, we carry out a number of tests and analyses in order to achieve a long lasting and reliable performance.

A very powerful methodology is the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA). This is a systematic analysis approach, which facilitates identification of potential problems during the design process by examining the effects of lower level failure modes. As a result of the analysis alterations are made to eliminate or reduce failure rates in the field. For highly critical applications compensating provisions like adding redundancy for critical systems may be considered to increase the failure tolerance of individual component failure rates.

While power dissipation is unavoidable on power conversion products, they will be minimised by circuit design. However, hot spots on components and insulation materials may occur which may have a detrimental effect on performance, safety and expected life time of the product. We carefully investigate our products during our Detailed Temperature Tests (DTT), where over fifty components are monitored concurrently during various operating conditions.

For verification of the reliability of our newly constructed products, we carry out Highly Accelerated Life Tests (HALT) to verify our operating limits and the destructive limits of the device. HALT stresses products beyond their design specifications, providing our engineers with the opportunity to improve product design, increase robustness and increase the confidence of their customers during early stages of the prototype phase.

For ensuring the mechanical robustness of our products within the planned application, Mechanical Vibration Tests (MVT) are carried out on a regular basis on new constructions. In general the power supplies are shaken in all four axes with sinusoidal, random and shock acceleration levels required by the application.

Based on the statistical failure rates for individual components we calculate the Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) of our products based on the failure rate of the components used. Our MTBF calculations are based on the expected operating conditions of the product within the application. This predicted elapsed time between inherent failures during operation gives a deep insight into the design and component quality of a power supply.

As expected from a world class manufacturer, Traco Power Solutions Ltd has fully automated test facilities which ensure both consistent performance and reliability of finished products. Every product is subjected to 100% functional testing and burn in.

With regards to Electromagnetic Compatibility testing (EMC) we have the capability to perform all relevant tests and provide the related test report.

Safety and Compliance

For all products we produce a Certificate of Compliance (COC) on request by the customer. As far as the certification of related safety standards are concerned in the COC, they are verified by external Certification Authorities such as Verband für Schadensverhütung (VdS), Bureau Veritas (BV), Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology (SIQ), Canadian Standard Association (CSA), Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Courtis Strauss (CS) and others on request



We have manufacturing facilities in Europe which allows us to manufacture prototypes and pre-series quantities. For high volume and effective pricing we have high quality manufacturing facilities available to us in Taiwan and China. As a world class power supply company, we have earned a reputation by ensuring that all our power supply products are produced and tested to high standards to ensure that only the products with full performance verification are delivered for use in the field. Our factory warranty of three years for all products underlines our commitment to quality and reliability.



Certificati e regolamenti
I nostri prodotti e le nostre aziende sono completamente conformi.
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Storia di Traco Power
La massima qualità fa parte della nostra storia